
Showing posts from August, 2021

How a book (Die with Zero) can change your entire trading strategy? – Tips to deconstruct Cup & Handle

  As of late, a book was released,  Die with zero  by Bill Perkins, which set forth an intriguing idea to design your funds so you kick the bucket with nothing, rather than the standard exhortation to store a huge amount of cash to live off the premium/profits, and pass on with the capital.  The trading guide book says the following: How long would it be a good idea for you to trade for cash?  Life energy is every one of the hours that you're alive to get things done—and at whatever point you work, you invest a portion of that limited life energy. So any measure of cash you've acquired through your work addresses the measure of life energy you went through bringing in that cash.  On the off chance that you kick the bucket with additional cash, it implies you have forfeited hours of your life for that cash, which successfully implies you have squandered those hours of your life.  This implies that there is an ideal measure of work you should do to carry on with the way of life y

Why do all the smart and successful traders keep trading journals with them? – Paper Trading Definition

  Each trader needs to know the little-known technique. What's more, every effective dealer knows there is no confidentiality: trading is tied in with having an arrangement and realizing what instruments you need to execute it.  A trading journal is an amazing asset intended to help you become a more grounded dealer. It is a putdown account of what occurred during a trade. You might incorporate economic situations, the size of the trade, lapse time, costs, regardless of whether you were effective, and even notes on your feelings. What's significant is altering your journal passages to accommodate your trading style.  From the get-go, keeping a journal might appear to be dreary and tedious. In any case, recording your trades shows consistency and discipline, the two of which can pay off over the long haul. We should dive further into the manners in which a trading journal can be valuable.  Distinguish patterns a lot  Notes help investigate which trading techniques work, and whi