Guide to invest in the share market effectively with the study of patterns

The share market has become one of the places where one can identify the look of the economy of the countries. One of the best ideas for the firms and companies to make the part of their company, which is known as a share, that have made their business so much profitable. A lot of people are investing their money in the firms so that they can do the business of trading. Now the knowledge of this system of trading is making one better trader and their capability to read the patterns of the market like the cup and handle pattern is helping them to make the right decision. How to share market works? First, we need to understand its working so that one who does not belong to this word can have some idea of this system. When a firm or company want to expand their business then they need proper capital so that they can handle their finances which comes from the investors. When the owner does not get the loan from the bank or does not find the investor then they make their shares...