
How Does Overconfidence Bias Affects Ascending Triangle?

  Introduction Overconfidence bias is a cognitive bias that affects people's confidence in their abilities. It is often cited as a factor behind why some people are more likely to take risks than others, and it also has a significant impact on decision-making in fields such as finance and business. In this article, we'll explore how overconfidence bias affects an ascending triangle  pattern - one of the most commonly used technical trading indicators. Theoretical Framework There is a cognitive bias and overconfidence bias which is the tendency to overestimate one's own abilities and underestimate others'. This can lead to making incorrect decisions. Overconfidence bias can affect decision-making in a variety of ways, including when making choices between risks and rewards, in competitive situations, and when assessing one's own characteristics. One study found that individuals who scored higher on measures of overconfidence were more likely to choose a high-risk op

How to Make the Most of Forex Patterns

  Have you ever wondered how to trade Forex without knowing anything about the patterns? Good news: you don't need to. In this article, you'll find out that there's a lot more to price patterns than meets the eye. Price Patterns Price patterns exist in every market that trades. Price patterns are very useful for predicting the short-term direction of price movement and can make a lot of money for those who understand them. Some price patterns are more reliable than others, and some are more profitable to trade. What Does a Price Pattern Mean? Price patterns are a way to see how prices move. A price pattern is a set of price movements or events that happen repeatedly over a period of time. The reason they are called patterns is that they "repeat" with two or more events happening in the same direction. Patterns are formed by feeding data into algorithms and are used by traders as well as investors to make decisions on buying and selling Forex currencies. Price pat

Why trading and gambling are two different things? – Ascending Triangle Pattern

  Gambling is classified as putting your resources something on a sheer possibility. Nonetheless, when trading is thought of, gambling takes on a substantially more perplexing dynamic than the definition presents. Many traders gamble unknowingly: to act or make a statement about performance in business areas. So,  is gambling trading ! In this article, we will check out the secret manners by which gambling killjoys into trading rehearses, just as the boost that might drive a person to trade in any case.  Secret Gambling Tendencies  All things considered, any individual who accepts they don't have gambling propensities won't joyfully confess to having them if it turns out they are indeed following up on gambling motivations. However, finding the hidden thought processes behind our activities can assist us with changing how we settle on choices later on.  Before they dig while they act on lucky sides, a trend in many people is clear before trade occurred. This equivalent inspirat

How a book (Die with Zero) can change your entire trading strategy? – Tips to deconstruct Cup & Handle

  As of late, a book was released,  Die with zero  by Bill Perkins, which set forth an intriguing idea to design your funds so you kick the bucket with nothing, rather than the standard exhortation to store a huge amount of cash to live off the premium/profits, and pass on with the capital.  The trading guide book says the following: How long would it be a good idea for you to trade for cash?  Life energy is every one of the hours that you're alive to get things done—and at whatever point you work, you invest a portion of that limited life energy. So any measure of cash you've acquired through your work addresses the measure of life energy you went through bringing in that cash.  On the off chance that you kick the bucket with additional cash, it implies you have forfeited hours of your life for that cash, which successfully implies you have squandered those hours of your life.  This implies that there is an ideal measure of work you should do to carry on with the way of life y

Why do all the smart and successful traders keep trading journals with them? – Paper Trading Definition

  Each trader needs to know the little-known technique. What's more, every effective dealer knows there is no confidentiality: trading is tied in with having an arrangement and realizing what instruments you need to execute it.  A trading journal is an amazing asset intended to help you become a more grounded dealer. It is a putdown account of what occurred during a trade. You might incorporate economic situations, the size of the trade, lapse time, costs, regardless of whether you were effective, and even notes on your feelings. What's significant is altering your journal passages to accommodate your trading style.  From the get-go, keeping a journal might appear to be dreary and tedious. In any case, recording your trades shows consistency and discipline, the two of which can pay off over the long haul. We should dive further into the manners in which a trading journal can be valuable.  Distinguish patterns a lot  Notes help investigate which trading techniques work, and whi

Learn the Patterns to Increase the Profits in the Share Market

Numerous companies make a variety of products or services to make more customers. It creates more profits for them that they utilize to make better products. It is hard for a company to work in a competitive environment. A firm needs the money to expand and run their company. Share market is a place where companies accumulate money from the public to increase their value. If a person wants to make profits then they should read about the market patterns like  the   cup and handle   pattern. What is the share market? A firm needs money for things like salary, research, infrastructure, product distribution, and others. Some companies take a loan from the bank or get investment from investors. It fulfills their demand for the money that helps them to run their business in the market for a long period. Some firms have the products that a bank does not permit them the loan or an investor does not want to invest in those firms. There came a third way in the segment of the business that is k

Top 4 things to do while investing in the share market

Many companies work in the market so that they can expand the business all around the world. The expansion of the business takes capital to reach more customers. Share market is one of the best ways to collect the money from the public in the exchange of a fraction of the company. Many traders do the business of trading of the part of the companies to make profits. A lot of individuals do not have the idea of how to trade but they want to do business. Losses A lot of individuals do not know the business that made people think that trading is a type of gambling. Some individuals do not read current laws or watch news that makes them unaware of the consequence of a particular thing in their business. It becomes hard for a person to survive in the industry if they do not understand the mathematics of it. Patterns Researchers have researched the commerce of trading that made them come with a conclusion about the existence of patterns in it. One can forecast the upt